Monday, July 21, 2008

Waterfalls, Minivans and the Ensign

Life continues to stay busy around our house. I spent every spare second from April to June completing the landscaping for our house. I buried all the drains, dug trenches for sprinklers, then put in our sprinkler system myself which was no small task, but very cool to look at the finished product and know that I did it all! We put our grass in right before we left for New York on June 10th and pleased to report that the sprinkler system actually works - our grass is not dead! It is so nice to have a yard finally! Brooklyn and Spencer go out there all the time now to play. We had intended to put in a playground of some kind, but later decided a trampoline might be better. That was a good move because Brooklyn jumps on it every day! We also put in a basketball court which provides a nice flat surface for riding bikes, wagons, or maybe even shooting baskets once in awhile. The final piece to our landscaping puzzle was completed on July 7th - a water feature in our front yard. Now we'll need to complement it with some flowers and such, but overall, we're real happy with how everything turned out. In other news, we turned in our Honda Pilot this month and replaced it with a Honda Odyssey - yes a minivan! despite the stigma about minivans, we're real happy with it and with #3 on the way, it will make things much easier for sure! I'm being lazy and not posting any pictures this time, but will do so next time around. However, there's a video below that you won't want to miss:

This month's Ensign talks about sharing the gospel through the internet, so in an effort to do our part, we put this together and thought it would be cool to post it on our blog. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Nell and Jeff said...

Jeff's sister Laura shared your exciting news with us as well as sent the link to your blog. (Laura and Nate are friends with Matt & Lacy.) We are so excited for another new addition to your family!! BTW, our blog is

Jeff & Danielle (Dillon)